Fasts & Feasts


Topic: Fasts & Feasts

By Theresa Newell February 13, 2025
God's visual aids to teach us about himself and his plan of redemption 
By Carino Casas January 2, 2025
Christmas is the “most wonderful time of the year.” So why do we read about the death of children when we’ve just celebrated the incarnation of Resurrection Life itself? Jesus came down and became flesh to live among us to live our sorrow and open the door to everlasting joy.
By CMJ Staff July 10, 2024
A reminder of the importance of taking sabbath rest. Sabbath keeping honors God and refreshes us.
By Carino Casas April 12, 2024
The Prophets were expecting another redemption and a time when Torah would be written on hearts rather than stone. Jesus initiates the new covenant of Jeremiah 31:31 at his last Passover seder with his disciples.
By Carino Casas March 30, 2024
Joy is coming Resurrection Sunday. But let us sit with Jesus’ death and remember the heavy cost of that joy. How precious and expensive is our healing, our forgiveness, our joy.
By David Pileggi December 12, 2023
Is secular history devoid of God? God doesn't always work through might or by power but He still works in history.
By CMJ USA September 22, 2023
Psalm 103 remnds us that God's character is always to have mercy and that he longs to dwell with us an makes a way fo him to be always among us.
By Aaron Gann June 13, 2023
What does the Holy Spirit and the season after Pentecost have to do with Jesus - the Messiah - and Israel?
By Carino Casas May 31, 2023
Why did God choose the pilgrim feast of Shavuot/Pentecost to pour out the Holy Spirit on the followers of Jesus the Messiah? Executive Director Cariño Casas looks at Acts 2 and Exodus 19-20 to answer the question.
By Carino Casas May 25, 2023
When God writes Torah on our hearts and regathers Israel and the nations together.
By CMJ USA March 28, 2023
Video recordings of the lectures given at Christ Church Jerusalem for International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023.
By Nadine Huffman February 27, 2023
In honor of the theme of Purim - Remember - Nadine looks back over her journey to becoming a Holocaust education volunteer to see how God has been working in her life.
By Aaron Gann February 13, 2023
What is Lent? And what does it have to do with the Jewishness of Jesus?
By Aaron Gann January 10, 2023
Of those who have claimed to be the Messiah of Israel, only Yeshua of Nazareth has drawn the pagan nations toward the God of Israel
By Aaron Gann December 14, 2022
The Messiah's Advent, both in the past and in the future, is important not only to the Church but is also of great importance to the people of Israel. In his first Advent, the Messiah came for his own Jewish people. His ministry was to them, first and foremost.
By CMJ USA December 2, 2021
If it weren’t for the victory over an evil regime bent on destroying the Jewish people and their heritage, the course of history would have been different. If Judaism had been wiped out, then arguably there would have been no Jesus of Nazareth born of a Jewish woman in the land of Judea, circumcised on the eighth day, presented at the Temple in Jerusalem, and raised as a son of the Torah.
By CMJ USA October 28, 2021
By Philip Bottomley September 20, 2021
By Aaron Gann August 24, 2021
By CMJ USA July 15, 2021
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