Invite us to visit

Invite us to visit

We at CMJ USA are eager to get to know you and learn how we can serve you, your congregation, or small group.

Executive Director Cariño Casas and other CMJ representatives are available to

  • preach,
  • teach a Sunday school class,
  • lead a Passover or Shabbat seder,
  • offer a Jewish roots or antisemitism teaching weekend.

We're also willing to visit virtually! Ask us about a teaching over Zoom or video-recorded announcement to show in your service.

How can we serve you?

How can we serve you?

Rev. Cariño Casas
CMJ USA Executive Director

Honorarium expectations

The inviting congregation or small group is encouraged to partner with CMJ USA in two ways:

  • Give a donation to CMJ USA on par with what a visiting preacher or teacher would normally receive, also taking into account travel costs.


  • Allow the CMJ USA rep to make an financial appeal to the congregation and other potential long-term giving partners.
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