
Feast of Purim

Purim Party

Remember and Celebrate

Fun ways to remember

Purim parties are a fun way to learn, teach and remember God's faithfulness to his covenant people.

A good Purim party will have good food, games, and a Purim spiel (play).

Below are resources to help inspire you.

Put on a Purim Play

The Feast of Purim is often celebrated by reading or acting out the story of Esther. 

At right, you can watch an example play put on by Christ Church Jerusalem (more examples of their plays on YouTube).

To encourage you to put on your own play, we have a starter script available written by Curtis and Carolyn Loftin.

Download the Purim Script

More Scripts

We also have three scripts written by Aaron Eime for spiels put on at Christ Church Jerusalem. We encourage you to see the video version of each play for ideas on set-design and costumes.

Don't have time for a full production? No need to go out all out. You'll have fun with your friends and family just doing a table read of one of the silly scripts.

Recipes for Hamantaschen

Hamantaschen is the three-cornered pastry with fruit fillings, designed to remind you of Haman's hat, his pocket, or his ear.

Try these recipes:

Projects for kids

See the Bible Belt Balabusta website for hands-on, projects for kids and ideas for a Purim carnival.


Whenever we hear the name of evil Haman, we boo and hiss and make noise, often with a gragger (ratchet noisemaker).


Here are two ideas on how to make your own gragger:

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