My middle school science/math teacher, Nancy Thomasson, gave me the sermon The Greatest Thing in the World
as a Bat Mitzvah present. I read it, and asked my dad, "why did she give me this text about First Corinthians?" He replied that it was in her faith tradition; she was Christian and meant well.
I thought nothing of it until I was 16. My summer job was as a library assistant for the Henrico County School System. During this job I started, on my own, to read the New Testament as well as the Qur’an. Paul's statement that wives should be submissive to their husbands appalled this little 1969 feminist. I shut the NT in disgust.
My middle school science/math teacher, Nancy Thomasson, gave me the sermon The Greatest Thing in the World as a Bat Mitzvah present. I read it, and asked my dad, "why did she give me this text about First Corinthians?" He replied that it was in her faith tradition; she was Christian and meant well.
I thought nothing of it until I was 16. My summer job was as a library assistant for the Henrico County School System. During this job I started, on my own, to read the New Testament as well as the Qur’an. Paul's statement that wives should be submissive to their husbands appalled this little 1969 feminist. I shut the NT in disgust.