Looking back,
I can see that beginning in 1995 the Lord was ordering my steps
, which
not only
lead to
Shoresh but change my understanding of Scripture forever
During those
I learned that Jesus was Jewish from a substitute retreat speaker,
Dee Baxter.
Dee, her husband Carlon, and their family became treasured friends. After that retreat, I
found myself in other conferences where
a hunger was created
Hebrew language, the biblical feasts, and the Hebraic context of Scripture
as a whole
. And after my first trip to Israel with Dee and Carlton Baxter,
I encountered
I can’t remember the exact year I met Marcia Lebhar, but I
remember it was at
a Passover Seder hosted by Shoresh and led by Stan Kellner.
The Lord was placing a fire in me for Jewish
and I had no idea how to manage that flame.
Looking back, I can see that beginning in 1995 the Lord was ordering my steps , which would not only lead to Shoresh but change my understanding of Scripture forever . During those five years , I learned that Jesus was Jewish from a substitute retreat speaker, Dee Baxter. Dee, her husband Carlon, and their family became treasured friends. After that retreat, I found myself in other conferences where a hunger was created for the Hebrew language, the biblical feasts, and the Hebraic context of Scripture as a whole . And after my first trip to Israel with Dee and Carlton Baxter, I encountered Shoresh . I can’t remember the exact year I met Marcia Lebhar, but I do remember it was at a Passover Seder hosted by Shoresh and led by Stan Kellner. The Lord was placing a fire in me for Jewish ministry, and I had no idea how to manage that flame.