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Help At the Crossroads get aid to Turkey

CMJ USA • February 13, 2023
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CMJ partner Derech Avraham, with the help of an Israeli entrepreneur, is working to build tiny-house shelters in Diyarbakir that can protect a family from the elements.

This update was originally published by CMJ ministry partner Derech Avraham/At the Crossroads , a relational network of Middle Eastern nationals and internationals working in various spheres of ministry with a regional or Kingdom vision of the Middle East that is best outlined in Isaiah’s vision of a highway in Isaiah 19:23-25:

In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing[a] on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.” (NIV)

UPDATE: Double your gift to Derech Avraham's Turkey Earthquake Relief Fund. doTERRA Helping Hands Foundation is matching gifts to the Tiny Houses Shelters Project. Scroll down for details and to give through doTERRA's campaign.

Throughout the first few days of the earthquake, reports started to come through that actually the province of Hatay, (formally part of Syria until 1939) had been hit the hardest with the homes of believers in Iskenderun and Antakya (ancient Antioch) being nearly completely destroyed in the 7.8 earthquake. This was followed the next day by a 7.5 magnitude earthquake just north of the first one, which created even more damage. At the time of editing this the death toll has now passed 30,000 people with thousands more injured and homeless. 

Rescuers atop a collapsed building in Turkey

Some of our network partners have lost loved ones. Others have still not been accounted for. One long-time friend in Antakya lost his entire house, but he and his wife were able to escape. We have been simply overwhelmed, as I am sure you have, by the devastation but we are also encouraged by believers now working with those on the ground to support their brothers and sisters in the faith in southeastern Turkey.  

Besides the daily, sometimes hourly, messages from believers on the ground we also have been following the reports from Al-MonitorThe Guardian and The Jerusalem Post.

In addition we are now hearing reports from international Christian relief teams on the ground in some of the most affected areas. They are assessing the situation and seeing how they can work together with local authorities and the local Church in Turkey to meet the most basic needs of those who have survived but are now homeless. 

Projects we are focusing on right now

  • We are supporting financially a project by an Israeli home builder who will travel to E. Turkey and work with the church in Diyarbakir to quickly construct temporary housing units for families who have lost their homes in some of the worst affected areas, mainly in the Hatay province of SE Turkey. Ancient Antioch/Antakya is one of the main cities there.

    UPDATE: doTERRA Helping Hands Foundation is now matching gifts towards the tiny house project.To maximize the foundation's generous gift, please give to the tiny house project through doTERRA's site.


doTERRA matching campaign for ATC tiny house project
  • We also will contribute funds to the church in Diyarbakir who will be assisting believers throughout the region.
  • We are also praying and waiting for approval to send some families who have lost their homes to stay in a Christian Guest house or in rented apartments in N. Cyprus for the remainder of the winter. 
  • We will send funds for immediate relief to families we know that have been affected and then we also will channel other donations through a relief organization started by leaders of the Turkish Evangelical Church, “First Hope Association,” which is already on the ground offering basic services to those displaced by the Earthquake.

NOTE: Giving through the button below will NOT be matched by doTERRA Helping Hands for the tiny house project but will make your gift available for the other aid projects mention above.


How to pray

  1. Please be in prayer for our colleagues traveling in the affected areas, for safety and wisdom.
  2. Pray for those obviously suffering from the trauma of losing family and relatives , that Christian Relief workers would be used to assist and comfort them.
  3. Pray for the necessary supplies to reach those who are homeless and for immediate assistance because of the very cold winter temperatures and protection against sickness because of the lack of water and proper hygiene. 
  4. Read more in our previous post on how to pray for Turkey and Syria after the Earthquake.

Thank you for standing with the church and people of Turkey at this time.

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