At the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the fact that two peoples, the Jews and the Palestinians, often have two competing narratives, two contrasting histories. This contributes to a zero-sum mindset in which voices on each side view the other groups’ perspective as a fundamental threat. The international community often takes advantage of both parties’ distress by sharing incomplete or inaccurate information on this conflict which only accentuates the divide between Palestinians and Jews. The new film encourages Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Arabs, to move past this divide by finding common ground between their narratives. Justin Kron, one of the film’s creators, hopes to address the polarization that comes with the subject. “Christians on both sides of the issue need to be challenged to see what life is really like for those on the ground,” he says.
At the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the fact that two peoples, the Jews and the Palestinians, often have two competing narratives, two contrasting histories. This contributes to a zero-sum mindset in which voices on each side view the other groups’ perspective as a fundamental threat. The international community often takes advantage of both parties’ distress by sharing incomplete or inaccurate information on this conflict which only accentuates the divide between Palestinians and Jews. The new film encourages Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Arabs, to move past this divide by finding common ground between their narratives. Justin Kron, one of the film’s creators, hopes to address the polarization that comes with the subject. “Christians on both sides of the issue need to be challenged to see what life is really like for those on the ground,” he says.