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Are you paying attention? Antisemites continue to feel emboldened

Carino Casas • November 18, 2024
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Jewish Media Review - November 2024

In the days before and after the presidential elections, antisemites attacked Jewish businesses and Jewish people. In Los Angeles to Washington D.C., Jewish businesses had their windows broken just before the anniversary of Kristallnacht (Nov. 9-10, 1938, when antisemitic mobs in German destroyed Jewish businesses and synagogues). A Jewish man had his face slashed in New York. This was all before the attack on Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam.

But it’s not all bad news. Brigham Young University has welcomed their Jewish quarterback. A church in Denver continues to visibly stand with Israel and the synagogues around them. A Jewish family bought bomb shelters for Arab Israelis. More Arabs are speaking on behalf of Israel in social media.

My hope is that by reading these stories you will step into your Jewish neighbors' shoes for a moment and thus grow in compassion for them, whether you agree with their views or not.

These headlines are presented as a snapshot of what our Jewish neighbors are thinking and feeling and to provide data as you pray about these issues. CMJ USA does not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in these articles.

🎞️“They Hate us Because We’re Good”: A New Film Reframes the World’s Oldest Hatred   (Jewish Journal)

“Tragic Awakening” advances an idea we may have heard before, but it does so in a fresh and provocative way that makes it uniquely relevant to our times.

‼️NY Jewish man requires 18 stitches after being slashed in face in ‘vicious’ antisemitic hate crime   (JPost)

The attacker, wearing a mask, shouted “F*** you guys” at the victim before slashing him with a blade.

Masked attackers assault two Jewish students outside DePaul University of Chicago   (JPost)

One victim was struck in the face and body and the other victim was pushed to the ground. Both students declined medical attention.


DC kosher restaurant has windows smashed on eve of Kristallnacht anniversary   (Times of Israel)

Char Bar suffered similar incident in 2020; senior Newsweek editor says every Jew in political circles has been to restaurant, incident ‘disgusting and horrific’


Jewish man with Star of David cap kicked out of Oakland cafe   (JNS)

The owner repeatedly asked the patron if he was a Zionist, causing the man's 5-year-old son to cry.


🪟Shattered Glass Can’t Break Our Jewish Spirit   (Jewish Journal)

In the early morning of November 5, someone smashed the storefront glass at Jewish businesses throughout Pico-Robertson.

Hacked billboards display 'antisemitic' messages in Chicago suburb   (Fox 32 Chicago)


‼️Neo-Nazis marchers shout slurs, carry swastika flags in Columbus, Ohio (CNN)

A group of neo-Nazis marched through a Columbus, Ohio neighborhood, waving flags featuring swastikas and shouting racist and anti-Semitic slurs. Local and state officials denounced the show of hate.

👮🏽Chicago Police announces hate crime, terror charges against gunman accused of shooting Orthodox Jew   (JNS)

"We did not secure these charges because of public pressure or because of media attention," said Larry Snelling, superintendent of the Chicago Police.

👮🏽Police arrest two in connection with antisemitic graffiti   (Jewish Chronicle)

“Thank God that they were able to find and arrest the perpetrators"


🥽These Brooklyn high schoolers retraced a Holocaust survivor’s experience during Kristallnacht — without ever leaving the classroom   (JTA)

A new virtual reality project from the Claims Conference aims to provide first-hand encounters spotlighting a “pivotal” moment in the Holocaust


🎞️‘October H8te’ documentary aims to understand US college alignment with Hamas   (Jewish Chronicle)

Wendy Sachs’ film explores how campus social justice movements ended up backing a terrorist organization, and how Jewish students dealt with the accompanying antisemitism

Is an Attack on Hillel an Attack on Jewish Students?  (complied by the Jewish Journal)

Anti-Zionist protesters on American campuses are increasingly targeting Hillels. Does this amount to an attack on Jewish campus life itself?

  • A Safe Place. Mayim Bialik, The Atlantic:  Hillel teaches that we should not be afraid to be Jewish. We can be proud to be American. And we deserve the rights and privileges awarded to every minority on campus: a safe place to gather, to pray, to learn, and to fight for what is right.
  • A Chilling Chant. Edward Halperin, Jerusalem Post: What is both chilling and foolish is the call for “No more Hillel.” Innumerable American college students have gone to Hillels on their campus to pray at the campus synagogue, attend Passover Seders, or have a kosher meal. Calling prayer services or eating kosher food a conspiratorial “fundamentally Zionist network” is nonsensical.
  • A Fair Target, Aaron D.A. Shakow, The Harvard Crimson: I’m writing to ask that Harvard Hillel — the institution you oversee — stop claiming to represent the Jewish community on campus. Hillel’s longstanding hostility to dissent despite our community’s persistent disagreements on Israel, Palestine, Zionism, and campus free speech means that it is unable to serve as an honest broker.

⚖️US families of Oct. 7 victims seek justice in latest lawsuit against Iran   (JNS)

The plaintiffs have obtained original documents demonstrating Tehran’s involvement in helping Hamas prepare the deadly attack.


💒Anglican church featured in Denver news for display of solidarity with their Jewish neighbors   (FOX31 Denver)

🫱🏼‍🫲🏼Jewish family donates 12 bomb shelters to Arab communities in Israel’s north   (All Israel)

Since war began in the north on Oct. 8, 2023, 34 Israeli civilians have been killed by rocket attacks, 19 from Arab sector

📲Arab Advocates for Israel Speak Out on Social Media   (Tablet)

While their numbers remain small, a dam may have broken for others with similar feelings


✝️Pope Francis owes Jews an apology   (Forward)

His Oct. 7 comments revived an antisemitic New Testament slander

Editor’s note: This rabbi knows the New Testament enough to question Pope Francis’ allusion to John 8:44, a verse that has been “weaponized against Jews.”

Be sure you read Pope Francis’ letter so you can see the quote in context. Also read John 8, as its context is what is informing the rabbi’s reading of Francis’ letter.


📜Silent dancing on Simchat Torah? A joyous Jewish holiday is remade for a mournful anniversary   (JTA)

Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel took place on the only Jewish holiday with “joy” in its name.

 ✍🏽Israel as the Jesus Among Nations   (Tablet)

How G.K. Chesterton and Jacques Maritain led the Catholic Church to reject the myth of Jewish wandering and recognize the Jewish state

A long piece giving an overview of the Roman Catholic church’s relationship with Zionism and the modern State of Israel. Worth the time.


📜A Year of Reading Torah   (Tablet)

Thousands of people signed up for our Simchat Torah Challenge, embarking on a yearlong journey of studying the parsha—the weekly Torah portion. Here’s why some of them are taking part, and what they hope to find.


✝️OPINION: A new era for evangelicals and Israel, a bridge to progressives?   (JNS)

As younger evangelicals distance themselves from rigid partisanship, there’s a notable change in how they approach politics and faith.

An interesting Jewish take on American Evangelicals


📸‘Humans of Judaism’ tells the Jewish story, from the shtetl to Sandy Koufax to Hasidic rapper Nissim Black   (Forward)

The founder of the viral page calls the book a ‘family photo album’


🏈BYU quarterback Jake Retzlaff brings touchdowns and Jewish teachings to predominantly Mormon school   (Associated Press)


🎸Indie rocker Rafael Cohen grapples with his Latin American Jewish identity   (JTA)

With his solo project, Las Palabras, Mexico-born Cohen mulls his connection to Judaism on his new album, “Fe.”


🌊Pop Goes the Flood   (Tablet)

From Bruce Springsteen to Sting, musicians have found inspiration in the story of Noah

Thumbnail and banner photo credit: Screen capture from CNN video report.

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